Aditi Polkam

Hello, I am a 22-year old computer engineer.

Being a passionate programmer and a tech enthusiast I love to learn new things and explore new technologies.

I have previously worked as a frontend developer and a full-stack developer at a startup and now looking for similar full-time roles. I am always open to new opportunities and challenges

oh well, i also LOVE playing basketball🏀


Skills auto_awesome

Tech Stack I am familiar with

Projects auto_awesome

All projects were developed by me!!



a platform to eliminate biased and stereotype-reinforcing fields in job applications that result in unfair judgments

#react #solidity #nodejs


A blockchain-based crowdsourcing system to automate question paper generation

#nextjs #solidity #graphql


A newsletter API service using Nodejs for Mailchain users to manage their newsletters efficiently.

#mailchain #passportjs
NFT Collection

NFT Collection

A project to mint your own NFT collection consisiting of random jpegs, viewable on OpenSea.

#solidity #react #polygon
Ask On Chain

Ask On Chain

An anonymous question-answering system that does not expose your identities while asking questions and gives you the freedom to ask questions

#nextjs #polygon #solidity
Bill Splitr

Bill Splitr

Bill Splitr that divides your share equally in a bill containing multiple items for different people.

#html #css #javascript #svelte
Song Downloader

Spotify Song Downloader

a utility to download songs from Spotify links (tracks, albums, or artists)

#python #spotifyapi

Contact auto_awesome

Get in touch via my social media. If you prefer, you can also contact me via email!

© Aditi Polkam 2023